Communication Tips

The ONE thing I did for my business this year

April 10, 2023

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ In 2021, massive global changes allowed us to become more β€˜lax” with our work attire and how we showed up for our virtual calls. We were in the trenches with homeschooling and family workspace sharing.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ In 2022, we continued with those newly formed, comfortable habits.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ It’s 2023, friends! Time to revisit how we want to show up in virtual.

What first impression do we want to make?  
The physical handshake is out. The updated professional photo is IN!

I was lucky to find a fantastic photographer to take 2023 pics for my website, social media, and biography.

Here are three reasons I encourage you to put new business photos on your to-do list for Q1 of 2023.

1. Old, dated photos suggest old, dated ideas.
2. Studies show it takes one-tenth of a second to make a first impression.
3. Smiling people gain trust faster.

If you’re near San Diego, a big shout out to Monica at InsideTheStyleStudio! πŸ“Έ


I'm Tricia Majors

A communications coach who believes anyone is capable of being a strong, dynamic, and natural presenter.

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