Communication Tips

This is a Must Read

April 10, 2023

Quick tips to appear professional and connected in a virtual space.

✔️Tell us where you’re looking. When you search for a document or a open slide deck, let your audience know why you’re moving your eyes away from them. For example, when you say “Let me go ahead and pull up that document…” they’re aware of what you’re doing and why you’ve shifted your eye contact. This transparency enhances trust.

✔️Start on camera before diving into slides. While you may spend a significant portion of your presentation inside a slide deck or other document, opt to kick the meeting off on-camera to create an initial connection.

✔️Eliminate distractions in your background. Be aware that anything behind you poses a risk of diverting your audience’s attention. If your natural background doesn’t represent you and the level of professionalism you’d like to project, select a virtual background.


I'm Tricia Majors

A communications coach who believes anyone is capable of being a strong, dynamic, and natural presenter.

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