Communication Tips

Don’t Leave Them Guessing…

May 10, 2023

Are you preparing to speak at an industry conference?:

If you’re like most of your colleagues, you will “under-present.” 😌 

What do I mean?

I’ve spent 15 years preparing professionals to crush it at high-impact presentations and I consistently see smart, capable people fall short of their potential.

They come across as low-energy, robotic and lacking passion. Don’t be one of them!

Do this instead:

Draw in your audience immediately by calling out what they care about. You should literally hear yourself using the word “you.”

Clearly identify what your main point is. Don’t leave them guessing.

Tell them what to do with the information you just shared. Be clear about the behavior you want from them.


I'm Tricia Majors

A communications coach who believes anyone is capable of being a strong, dynamic, and natural presenter.

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