Present Like a Pro

Present Like a Pro FAQs

October 13, 2023

👉🏼Who is this course for?

This six-module on demand course is for professionals who wants to uplevel their ability to build and deliver clear, audience-focused presentations. Their “audience” may be one person or 1,000 people. They may be internal or external. The atmosphere may be casual or formal.

In short, it’s for presenters who want to be more effective and memorable communicators.

👉🏼Who is it not for?

This is not a deep dive into visual slide design (typography, images, symbols, etc.)

This course focuses on:

  1. Building audience-centered, purposeful presentations.
  2. Delivering your virtual and on-site (and hybrid!) presentations with clarity and confidence.

👉🏼How is this course different?

Many presentation courses focus on the “performance” side of presenting, or the delivery. These courses are often taught by theatre enthusiasts.

While delivery elements such as purposeful movement, body language and vocal variety are an essential part of any communication course, a great delivery alone is not enough.

Real success begins with a solid foundation of clear, structured content. This course provides tried and tested, actionable templates to help you effectively and consistently build presentations that resonate with and impact your audience.

👉🏼I only present technical information and project updates. Will this help me?

YES!  I’ve trained thousands of engineers over the past 20 years. They are smart people that know a lot about their area of expertise. They rarely know however, a reliable process to break down what’s in their brain and make it accessible to the people they need to reach.

I find that engineers like systems, clarity and efficiency. They love this course.

👉🏼What if I don’t have the time?

The magical thing about this course is that you set your own schedule.  Whether that’s mid-day on a plane or in the wee hours of the morning, you work your way through the videos and accompanying exercises when the time is right for you.

Each of the six modules contains mini-lessons that stand alone. Since you go at your own pace, there is no getting behind.

👉🏼How long will this course take me?

Between the time you will spend watching videos, completing exercises and meeting virtually with me, you can expect to invest 7-8 hours. In other words, the equivalent of ONE workday will teach you to create and deliver more focused and purposeful presentations than ever before.

👉🏼Am I senior enough for this course?

Yes. While I have coached some of the top executives that run the biggest organizations in the world, a handful of these organizations have asked me to provide programs exclusively for high-potential interns. Quite simply, those interns learned skills and strategies that their counterparts often never learn.

*Fun fact: An intern once told me that my training contains the “secret sauce” that makes top social media influencers wildly successful. This was interesting for me to hear as I rarely use social media in my personal life!

👉🏼What if I only present virtually.

Yep. Some folks still do. I’ve created some simple “rules” to do so effectively.  My career as a TV news anchor provided me the foundation to engage an audience through a camera.

I continue to train top TV news talent across the United States to refine their craft and more deeply connect with their audience.

👉🏼I only present with my camera “off.”  Will this still help me?

YES. While it hurts me to hear that because I feel you’re missing a critical opportunity to connect with your audience on a human-level, I understand that audio-only presentations are the culture in some companies.

You will learn the skills to engage your audience through the words you say and how you say them.

👉🏼How long do I have access?

You’ll have access to Present Like a Pro for one full year.  If you’d like to extend that, just reach out and our team will set you up!

👉🏼Can I share this with my teams?

As much as I love to share this course with the world and I want to see everyone become more purposeful and confident as presenters, these videos contain years of my life’s work.  They are for the registered participant(s) only. Please don’t share.  If you want additional licensing, just let us know and we’ll get you set up.

👉🏼I’m an introvert. Are you going to try and make me overly energetic and animated?

That’s okay. You don’t need to be the loudest person in the room to be impactful. I will help you become a better communicator while being natural, authentic and true to your own style and personality.

👉🏼I want it, but I can’t afford it right now. Are there other options?

I encourage you to first to determine whether the cost may be covered in your corporate training budget. 

Great companies pride themselves on offering their employees personal development opportunities. They know improving your communication skills will be a huge benefit to both parties.

If it’s still not feasible, you may be a great candidate for Personalized Video Feedback. Click here to learn more about this opportunity!

👉🏼Other questions?

Reach out to me here!


I'm Tricia Majors

A communications coach who believes anyone is capable of being a strong, dynamic, and natural presenter.

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