Present Like a Pro

Your Taped Review FAQs

October 13, 2023

👉🏼Am I a good candidate for a Taped Video Review?

If you’re looking for a clear picture of your current strengths, skillset, and opportunities for growth and you would like to identify a path to get credit for your ideas and persuade and influence your audiences, then YES!

👉🏼Is there anything that would disqualify me from being a good fit for a Taped Video Review?

While working for an established, medium-sized or bigger company would certainly not disqualify you, I encourage you to determine whether the cost may be covered in your corporate training budget.  

Great companies pride themselves on offering their employees personal development opportunities. They know improving your communication skills will be a huge benefit to them!

👉🏼What if I hate seeing myself on camera!? Will this feel awkward?

That’s totally normal. Most people do.  It may feel awkward to you, but it certainly won’t to me. 

👉🏼How will I receive my Taped Video Review?

Your customized Video Review will come directly to your inbox. It will be easy for you to open, review and keep.

👉🏼How long will my Taped Video Review be?

Most are between 10-12 minutes long.

👉🏼Will this process feel critical?

I hope not! I’ve been honored to support tens of thousands of professionals over the past 15 years, and the vast majority leave feeling empowered, excited and prepared to continue to learn, develop and grow.

I’m humbled to shed light on what are often small but very significant things people do that minimizes their efficacy.

👉🏼Why can’t I just ask a friend or colleague for feedback?

You can, and you should!  I’m a huge proponent of feedback and support and I’ve been fortunate to have trusted colleagues that offered that to me.

I consider thoughtful, candid feedback a gift.  Be sure though that support is professional and actionable. As a highly experienced third-party, I am qualified to offer that.

👉🏼What exactly should I send you to maximize this opportunity?

You can send me up to three clips of video for review. The clips can be from past presentations, training videos, media interviews or other formats. If you don’t have any accessible video, please create and forward a piece of a presentation of up to 30 minutes. You can tape it on whatever device is convenient for you.

👉🏼I’m preparing for an important presentation, a media interview, a video, a launch or another event that I want to go well! Will this help me?

Absolutely! A clear assessment of your strengths and opportunities is a critical first step.

I believe all communication should be strategic. Before I look at any tape, I want to understand what you’re trying to accomplish.

I’ll ask:

  • Who are you trying to influence and what is your business objective?
  • How do you want to be perceived?

We’ll establish your goals in the Taped Video Review Questionnaire to be sure we’re launching you toward clear, purposeful and confident communication!

👉🏼How much does this cost?

$995 – Available here


I'm Tricia Majors

A communications coach who believes anyone is capable of being a strong, dynamic, and natural presenter.

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