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It’s time we prove that self-care is health care. Join us in reclaiming health, happiness, and connectivity and challenging stress as the status quo.

Actionable Tip of the Day

How to Build Company Culture

Attention Leaders: Is building a culture of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion important to your company? If so, make sure you’re communicating that clearly. Can you simplify your company’s values into one sentence? Can you state that sentence with clarity and emphasis? Can your employees?


Actionable Tip of the Day

How to Build Company Culture

Attention Leaders: Is building a culture of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion important to your company? If so, make sure you’re communicating that clearly. Can you simplify your company’s values into one sentence? Can you state that sentence with clarity and emphasis? Can your employees?

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Actionable Tip of the Day

Start on THIS Today

I’ve trained thousands of presenters. Some of them were naturals. Most of them weren’t. Great presentation skills can be learned, one tiny step at a time.  Choose one thing you’re going to do better NOW.  👉 Is it pausing after you say something salient? 👉 Is it simplifying your key message?  👉 Is it speaking […]

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Actionable Tip of the Day

How to Build a House

Would you decorate your new home without building the foundation?? I don’t think so! Stop obsessing about your “ums” and “uhs.” “Verbal fillers” are not as significant as you think, and they’re easily fixable when you apply the PRO framework. – P Plan your business objective in advance.– R Reflect on your audience and what […]

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Actionable Tip of the Day

Actionable Tip of the Day: Cameras 

Turn camera on when joining a meeting: Remote work is here to stay. That means your ability to connect with your colleagues and customers online is more important than ever. Get an easy leg up by simply turning your camera ON. Successful communicators make it easy for their audience to know them, trust them and follow […]

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Actionable Tip of the Day

Actionable Tip of the Day

The WORST advice for practicing a presentation? Many of us have had well meaning teachers in our lives who have told us early on to practice our presentations in front of a mirror.  It stands to reason that looking at a mirror forces you to focus on yourself. Why not though, focus on what your […]

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Actionable Tip of the Day

Nail Your Presentation

Actionable Tip of the Day In Just 5 Steps! 1. Nailing your presentation begins with strategy. You decide what your success looks like. Imagine in your mind’s eye what you say, and what you look and sound like when you’re connecting, persuading and influencing your audience. 2. Pick your pronoun and fill in the blanks […]

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I'm Tricia Majors

A communications coach who believes anyone is capable of being a strong, dynamic, and natural presenter.

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What are the top three mistakes most presenters make?  

They're probably NOT what you think they are!  I'll tell you... along with a quick, actionable guide on what to do instead!

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